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League Day at the Statehouse
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About this event
Join us for League Day at the Statehouse
Map below.
League Day at the Statehouse
Indiana State Library
(Registration deadline Sunday, February 9)
9 am to 3pm Schedule meetings with your legislators now.
9:30am Democracy Day Press Conference in Library
09:30 am Registration Desk opens in State Library
11:30 am Lunch served (included in registration)
11:45 am Keynote - Medicaid In Indiana
Whitney Downard - Indiana Capital Chronicle
12:45pm - 1:30pm Table Talks
Will include table discussions once again featuring:
Education - Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, President
Indiana Coalition for Public Education
(and Joel Hand, General Counsel, if not testifying)
Elections - Julia Vaughn, Director, Common Cause Indiana
Water Resources - Maria Jose Iturbide-Chang,
Water Policy Director, HEC
1:30 pm adjourn
Limited parking available in Senate Garage across the street (free due to construction)... bring ticket to library to be stamped.
Did you miss the Pre-League Day Orientation on February 6th? Watch it here:
Food Catered by Indy Fresh

Registration Info
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Payment In Full In Advance Only
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