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LWV Member Portal

State Board Resources


League Basics  (pdf)
An introduction to the League written by the LWVUS which provides an overview of governance, non-partisanship, finance, programming and positions, communication and membership.  (Note: Although this document is now somewhat dated and some of the links no longer work, the principles remain the same; this document was originally call "In League".)

New Board Member Orientation  (pdf)
Helpful advice to new board members on how to transition to effective board participation.

Duties of Officers  (pdf)

Policies and Procedures (pdf):
   Conflict of Interest and Political Activity
   Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
   Communication and Meetings
   Debates and Forums
   Liaison with Local Leagues
   Office Management

Education Fund  (pdf)
How the Education Fund operates, how to deposit donations, and how to request funds

Coalitions  (pdf)
Other organizations that the LWVIN supports and participates in their activities

Events  (pdf)
Information for planning various events
   President's Day

Strategic Planning Worksheets
   Viewable PDF
   Downloadable MS Word format

Best Practices  (pdf)
A monograph on suggested best practices for state and local leagues from the LWVUS

League Lingo  (pdf)
A listing of terms and abbreviations frequently used within the League

Fundraising 101  (pdf)
A monograph on effective fundraising from the LWVUS

Other Resources

LWVUS Transformation Roadmap

See additional resources at:

The LWVUS is in the process of reevaluating several of its processes and goals.  Follow these links to information on their website.
Transformation Roadmap
Transformation Roadmap - Progress and Continuing Strategic Goals

Transformation Roadmap - Indiana Impact (pdf)
PDF version of slides from the zoom presentation, October 23, 2023

Leaders Guide to LWVUS Program Planning 2022-2024
Program planning is the grassroots process of recommending and selecting governmental issues for study and agreement in reaching a position.

During January and February 2022, local and state Leagues will conduct program planning and make program recommendations in a general membership meeting or a board meeting. Leagues are also asked to share information on how their work will impact the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® as well as identify LWVUS positions that they intend to use in education and lobbying.

This is a hallmark of the League of Women Voters grassroots’ role in study and action.

LWV Indiana

LWVIN Program 
Adopted at Convention June 2023


LWV Indiana Position Page

LWVIN Nonpartisanship Policy - July 2019
The League takes action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest. However, it shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate.  Members should read this policy carefully. (from Policies and Procedures)

Expense Report 
(downloadable Excel format) View PDF
Expense Report for LWVIN business
To file report online, click here (you must be logged on)

Nomination Form (pdf format)
Download the pdf nomination form to recommend someone for the state board or committees.

Advocacy Vs Lobbying -LWVUS Whitepaper
A white paper from the LWVUS provides guidance

Leadership  (must be logged in to view)
Other Resources
Please note: If you find any inaccuracies, please email

Local League Leadership 
(PDF version)
 (download Excel version)

State Board (PDF version)
 (download Excel version)

LWVIN Advocates (PDF version)
 (download Excel version)

Concatenated Emails


Liaison Assignments (pdf)

Program Outline (pdf)
Description of program, goals and suggestions

Liaison Report Template
Download in word format


LWVIN Past Presidents
View list of the past presidents of the LWVIN

LWV United States 

Principles of the LWVUS
The high level principles that form the basis for programs and actions

Talking points
Language and best practices state and local Leagues are encouraged to use for public outreach when working on LWVUS priority issues.

LWVUS Impact on Issues 2024-2026  
A Guide to Public Policy Positions from the national League

Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
Although dated (1979), this pamphlet created by the LWVUS provides an easy-to-understand, greatly simplified version of the essentials of Robert's Rules of Order and is a good quick reference.

Congressional Interview Guide and Materials - January 2021
The League is releasing our revamped congressional interview program: Rep the League! The start of the 117th Congress this January provides League advocates with an extra opportunity to connect with freshman and returning lawmakers.

Other Issue Tools In Depth (currently unavailable)
From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. Use these tools to promote our goals of social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans. 

Member Rights and Responsibilies Policy
Revised April 2023 - LWVUS

Policies and Guidelines
Tools to assist Leagues in understanding operating procedures, onboarding new leadership, and implementing new processes.

Guidance for Leagues about Nonpartisanship and Partnerships
It is important to recognize that while the League’s activities to influence public policy are not partisan by default, the public’s understanding and perception of partisanship changes throughout history and is directly impacted by current events as well as geographic and regional dynamics. Additionally, those who oppose the reforms and issues the League is working on may claim the League’s efforts are partisan to control how the League exercises its influence and power. This does not mean the League should curtail its advocacy or limit the public policy issues it works to influence, but rather be mindful of the external environment when deciding how, when, and with whom to engage in public policy activities. 

This is especially true as Leagues evaluate whether, and how, to partner with different organizations. 

Guidance for Leagues Considering Litigation

The Guidance for Leagues Considering Litigation has been updated in 2023 and helps Leagues understand the process for considering whether to engage in federal litigation. As always, you can reach out to your LWVUS litigation team point of contact or with questions.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

View guidance from the LWVUS

DEI Policy
The LWVUS board adopted new language in January 2024 and recommends state and local leagues use the language to update their DEI policies.

DEI Guide



Exercising Our Power - Navigating c3 and c 4 organizations
A monograph from the LWVUS discussing functions and limits of 501c3 and 501c4 organizations (2019)

Bylaws - LWV United States 


Starting a New League Resource Page
Resource page for creating a new league