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Redistricting Resources

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Redistricting Movies

Suppressed: The Fight to Vote

Uncivil War: U.S. Elections Under Siege

Line in the Street


LWVIN Videos

See videos previously shown on this page

Community Redistricting Report Card

Every eligible voter in Indiana deserves to be heard – and have 
our voices matter in selecting the people and policies that affect our family, friends, and community.

Common Cause and partners have created a Community Redistricting Report Card to look at mapmaking in all 50 states – including here in Indiana – to see if it's fair and inclusive, and chart a better path forward.


Unfortunately our state earned a D for its 2020 maps.  Click link above for full report.

Split Decisions: Guidance for Measuring Locality Preservation in District Maps
A key part of a fair map is keeping some counties, cities, communities of interest (COIs), and other localities intact. But the most common ways for measuring how badly a map splits localities have limited usefulness. A new report from the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), Split Decisions: Guidance for Measuring Locality Preservation in District Maps, describes the issue, the existing metrics, and proposes a new metric.

Analysis of Indiana's Redistricting

See the results of redistricting as analyzed by

PlanScore is a project of the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center (CLC), a national nonprofit organization that fights for every American’s right to participate in the democratic process.

Local Government Redistricting

Indiana Local Government Redistricting website
Just like state legislatures and the U.S. Congress, many local governments in the United States have elected councils or boards that are required to redistrict once a decade, usually the year after the decennial census.  In Indiana, that includes all county councils, city councils and any school boards that use “electoral districts.”

Every 10 years, congressional district maps are redrawn based on the new census data on the population. This process, known as redistricting, is taking place across the country right now. This episode of LET’S CONNECT from the ACLU draws a line from the beginnings of redistricting in this country, following different attempts by Congress and the courts to regulate the process, and connects this history to how Supreme Court decisions have and are having an effect on redistricting today.

2021 Maps 

Adopted by General Assembly
Indiana House Map - Adopted
Indiana Senate Map - Adopted
US Congressional Maps -Adopted

Recommended by ICRC
(Independent Citizen's Redistricting Commission)
Indiana House Map
Indiana Senate Map
US Congressional Map

Why is non-partisan redistricting important?  

View examples of Indiana House and Senate 2011 districts that for a decade denied fair representation for their voters.  Please feel free to share your district example with your legislators and ask for their vote for Fair Maps!

Indiana House Examples

Indiana Senate Examples

View the Redistricting Presentation from the LWV Bloomington-Monroe County

2021 Fair Maps Day of Action - April 29, 2021
See the presentation which includes a demonstration of the Districtr mapping software and announcements of upcoming events.

2021 Presidents Day Program - February 14, 2021

Celebrating our Past,
   Recognizing our Present,
      Looking to our Future

View the program at right

View the President's Day Packet

Voter Suppression Documentaries Showings


Suggested documentaries
See a list of films about voter suppression and redistricting

Sample Invitation to documentaries
View a sample invitation to a public showing

Sample project
View a proposal from the LWV Bloomington-Monroe County to partner with local organizations to screen the documentaries.

Other Media Coverage

"Mapping Out Change"
See January 29, 2021, opinion piece in The Journal Gazette from Fort Wayne

"Last-Minute Redistricting Reform Unlikely As Advocates Continue Push"
See January 8, 2021, article from Indiana Public Media

"Redistricting reform is essential to fairly represent all Hoosiers"
See January 15, 2021, Guest column featured in the Chicago Tribune and by State Representative Vernon G. Smith


LWV Bloomington-Monroe County
See Bloomington's experience with a Citizen's Advisory Committee for the Common Council
Ordinance     Newpaper Article     Letter of Commendation to Council From LWV-BMC

Sample resolution (Download Word) (View/Download PDF))
A sample resolution for adoption by local 
governments to support redistricting

Gerrymandering - Short Videos and Games
Click to see pdf with links to sources

Social Media - Useful information
Same blocks of text usable in social media posts about gerrymandering and redistricting

Redistricting House Parties - A Guide
A monograph presented at the LWVIN State Convention 2017 with suggestions on how to host a house party to discuss gerrymandering.

Drawing a Line for Democracy
A 2013 packet on redistricting prepared by LWV Indianapolis and Common Cause

Graphics - Downloadable
Use these graphics for websites and social media

Other Resources

"Under the best of circumstances, the redrawing of legislative and congressional districts every 10 years is a fraught and abuse-prone process. But the next round of redistricting in 2021 and 2022 will be the most challenging in recent history."  

Click image at right to see the report from the Brennan Center

Indiana Congressional Districts over time

See the how the Indiana Congressional districts have changed from the 1980s - click maps to view

LWV United States

LWVUS Redistricting Speakers Bureau Program
LWVUS shares their new Speakers Bureau Program. As part of the People Powered Fair Maps work, the advocacy team has created a packet explaining how your league can create their own redistricting-focused speakers bureau. This packet has all the information you need to start recruiting, advertising, and building out your own speakers bureau program. Click above to see the packet.

LWVUS People Powered Fair Maps Landing Page
The LWVUS has officially launched the People Powered Fair Maps (PPFM) landing page! This is a public facing page where anyone can learn more about PPFM and get a glimpse into the work that is being done across our nation to ensure a fair and transparent redistricting process.

Redistricting Mapping Software

Dave's Redistricting Map

An interactive map allowing you to try your hand at redistricting

What the District?
Use this interactive website to view changes to your congressional district over the last 80 yrs

"For better or worse, the way Congressional districts are drawn can determine who wins elections, which communities are represented, and what laws are passed. Explore how your own district has changed (sometimes dramatically) between 1943 and 2018". From the ACLU.

LWV Indiana

Election and Voting Rights Positions
View the position statements from the State League

Indiana State Government 

Redistricting Study Committee 2016
The report of the 2016 Special 
Interim Study Committee on Redistricting
   Also view the LWV Indiana response to the study
   Also view the slide presentation from the LWV and Common Cause

Miscellaneous Resources


Redistricting Flier
An example flier about redistricting from the LWV South Bend Area

Redistricting Flier
An example 2 page flier about reasonable redistricting from the LWV North Carolina


Sample resolution (Download Word) (View/Download PDF))
A sample resolution for adoption by local 
governments to support redistricting

 Redistricting Mapping Software

Try your hand at redistricting... use the same software that the Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) is using.