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Resources for Local League Presidents/Boards
Other League Resources
Resources for New League Leaders
The LWVUS resource page for new League leaders has been updated to include the most current information on the new membership system and our DEI policy.
Best Practices for Successful League Operation
Read these guidelines from the LWVUS about bylaws, meeting requirements, nonpartisanship, leadership, membership and financial considerations.
Building an Effective Board
Leadership development suggestions from the LWVUS.
Membership & Leadership Development (MLD) Handbook
Extensive handbook developed by LWVUS
Webinar: Recruiting and Building Strong Boards
This session focused on the why and how of creating powerful boards, including how to apply a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens to this process.
League Basics
An introduction to the League written by the LWVUS which provides an overview of governance, non-partisanship, finance, programming and positions, communication and membership. (Note: Although this document is now somewhat dated and some of the links no longer work, the principles remain the same)
League Lingo
A listing of terms and abbreviations frequently used within the League
Fundraising 101
A monograph on effective fundraising from the LWVUS
Education Fund
How the Education Fund operates, how to deposit donations, and how to request funds
Advocacy Vs Lobbying -LWVUS Whitepaper
A white paper from the LWVUS provides guidance
Exercising Our Power - Navigating c3 and c 4 organizations
A monograph from the LWVUS discussing functions and limits of 501c3 and 501c4 organizations (2019)
Other Organizations
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Our Common Purpose
This publication is the final report of the bipartisan Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship. It includes 31 recommendations to strengthen America’s institutions and civic culture to help a nation in crisis emerge with a more resilient democracy. Fall 2020.
Non-Partisanship/Partnership Workshop
View as PDF or download the powerpoint slides from Melissa Currence's workshop - September 30, 2021.
LWVUS Program Planning 2024-2026
From LWVUS: "LWVUS is gearing up for the June 2024 National Convention in Washington, DC, with new Program Planning resources.
"Program Planning is the grassroots process for recommending and selecting the LWVUS Program, which is the education and advocacy platform that the League membership adopts at each biennial LWV National Convention. Leagues often use the national program to guide their state and local advocacy.
"The goal of the LWVUS Program Planning process is to achieve collective agreement around how LWV will move our mission forward for the next two years, and we cannot do it without your voice!"
Visit the
Program Planning webpage
LWV Indiana
LWVIN Program
Adopted at Convention June 2023
LWV Indiana Position Page
LWVIN Nonpartisanship Policy - July 2019
The League takes action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest. However, it shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate.
Members should read this policy carefully
LWVIN Leadership Discussions Forum
To enable discussions among local League presidents and LWVIN co-presidents
LWV United States
LWVUS Impact on Issues 2024-2026
A Guide to Public Policy Positions from the national League
Talking points
Language and best practices state and local Leagues are encouraged to use for public outreach when working on LWVUS priority issues.
ERA Toolkit
The toolkit includes an updated ERA action alert template for state Leagues to circulate to their members, as well as template letters Leagues can use to urge their senators to act.
Congressional Interview Guide and Materials - January 2021
The League is releasing our revamped congressional interview program: Rep the League! The start of the 117th Congress this January provides League advocates with an extra opportunity to connect with freshman and returning lawmakers.
Other Issue Tools In Depth
From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. Use these tools to promote our goals of social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans.
Member Rights and Responsibilies Policy
Revised April 2023 - LWVUS
Policies and Guidelines
Tools to assist Leagues in understanding operating procedures, onboarding new leadership, and implementing new processes.
View guidance from the LWVUS
10 steps to Establishing a Fundraising Program
Fundraising Training Modules
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
View guidance from the LWVUS
DEI Policy
The LWVUS board adopted new language in January 2024 and recommends state and local leagues use the language to update their DEI policies.
DEI Guide
Bylaws - LWV United States
Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
Although dated (1979), this pamphlet created by the LWVUS provides an easy-to-understand, greatly simplified version of the essentials of Robert's Rules of Order and is a good quick reference.
Board Development Videos
This three-part training series
from LWVUS reviews how boards can most effectively conduct their work and better understand their roles. It’s intended for both newly elected and experienced board members of state and local Leagues
Presented by nonprofit management coach
Marla Weston
Weston Consulting LLC
Serving on a Board of Directors: Governing Well
High Performing Board of Directors: Working Together
Creating a Powerful Board-Staff Partnership
Leaders Guide to LWVUS Program Planning 2022-2024
Program planning is the grassroots process of recommending and selecting governmental issues for study and agreement in reaching a position.
During January and February 2022, local and state Leagues will conduct program planning and make program recommendations in a general membership meeting or a board meeting.
Leagues are also asked to share information on how their work will impact the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® as well as identify LWVUS positions that they intend to use in education and lobbying. This is a hallmark of the League of Women Voters grassroots’ role in study and action.
See more
on the LWVUS Website
LWVUS presented a
Program Planning Webinar
on January 12, 2022
View the
as pdf's
the powerpoint presentation